12:36:00 PM

Blue and Leopard

You know when I dress up, usually I have nothing specific in mind, like "today I want to wear a lot of black", or "I feel like wearing jeans" or anything. I usually start by standing in front of my closet, grab a piece that makes this little click for me that day, and style the whole look around it. But some days, things are totally different. Like the other day,I woke up and really wanted to go for a colorful look. Maybe it's because I've been really into the whole black-neutral-wintery color palette for the last months, or because spring is finally on its way? So I went for a blue-based outfit and matched it with leopard, which is usually matched with more basic colors and not so bright ones, but I really really loved how it turned out on this look!

Όταν ντύνομαι συνήθως, δεν έχω κάτι ιδιαίτερο στο μυαλό μου, όπως "σήμερα θέλω να φορέσω πολύ μαύρο", ή "έχω διάθεση για τζιν" ή κάτι τέτοιο. Συνήθως στέκομαι μπροστά στην ντουλάπα μου, διαλέγω ένα κομμάτι που μου κάνει αυτό το μικρό κλικ εκείνη τη μέρα, και στήνω όλο το look γύρω απ'αυτό. Αλλά μερικές μέρες, είναι τελείως διαφορετικές. Όπως τις προάλλες, ξύπνησα και ήθελα να φορέσω οπωσδήποτε ένα χρωματιστό look. Ίσως επειδή ήμουν πολύ στην όλη μαύρη-ουδέτερη-χειμερινή παλέτα τους τελευταίους μήνες, ή επειδή η άνοιξη είναι επιτέλους κοντά; Διάλεξα λοιπόν ένα look βασισμένο στο μπλε και το συνδύασα με λεοπάρ, το οποίο συνήθως φοριέται με πιο βασικά χρώματα και όχι τόσο έντονα, αλλά μου άρεσε απίστευτα το πως βγήκε σε αυτό το look!

xx Rania

I was wearing :

coat, top & shoes Zara
pants Massimo Dutti
bag Oasis
watch Michael Kors



  1. Such a beautiful look! Couldn't imagine blue with leopard would look so good :)

  2. awesome outfit! love every detail of it!!!

  3. I love leopard but wouldn't dare wear it with such bright blue, yet you definitely pulled this off! ♥

  4. Love going for a colorful look too from time to time, this one is perfect!

  5. πολύ ωραίο αυτό το μπλε!!
    ακρως ερωτευσιμο!!χεχε!
    και ταίριαξε πολύ με το λεοπάρ!

  6. blue with leopard looks awesome!

  7. Oooh, i adore this Look! I really find that throughout this past year or so, you really have developed your own sense of style and I adore it. Especially this one though. It’s so classy <3 <3

  8. Wow this is very well put together outfit. I love your bag!

  9. The blue really pops against the leopard coat. Nice work! xx

  10. Love the outfit, it’s so gorgeous! <3

  11. In Love with that outfit! The colors are amazing…

  12. Love the look! Simply perfect! The colours, the vibe… and the hair and make up are flawless! Very good indeed :)


  13. Your trousers and leopard coat are so cute!

  14. Such a great look! I love the combination of leopard and bright blue!!

  15. I never thought that combination of leopard and deep blue colour would look so gorgeous! ;)

  16. You look great, love the blue pants ! :)

  17. Το μπλε ελεκτρίκ πάντα τραβάει τα βλέμματα!
    Πολύ ωραια η τσάντα σου.

  18. I love your hair color and your look :)

  19. really beautiful!!!



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